Marketing through the eyes of Harry Potter

Picture_1 …and Susan Gunelius.

Harry Potter wasn’t just a book series.  It has become one of the world’s most popular and recognized brands in recent history.  And it was no accident.

Marketing and branding blogger Susan Gunelius has just released the book Harry Potter: The Story Of A Global Business Phenomenon where she breaks down the success factors that led to the amazing success.

It’s a fascinating read, even more so if you loved the books.  But even if you never read a single Harry Potter potion — there’s a lot to learn here.

Gunelius explores the role of the internet and social networking, event and marketing tactics, and most important — how every brand can duplicate the steps and success of the Harry Potter phenom.

I had the good fortune of reading Susan’s final draft.  Here’s my comment, lifted from her jacket cover.

"Gunelius’ book demystifies the success of the Harry Potter series.  While others have called the phenomenon ‘magical,’ this book proves that it was really the result of a carefully crafted strategy — a strategy that any business can replicate and profit from.  Unless you’d rather not be the Harry Potter of your industry — read and learn!"

It was my privilege to be able to get the sneak peek and to endorse Susan’s book. With that said…get and enjoy this book.