Search Engine Marketing demystified

Picture 11 SEM, SEO, organic search engine optimization, driving traffic, etc, etc.

I believe for most people, search engine optimization/marketing is one of the most confusing, misunderstood aspects of marketing today.

But it doesn't have to be.

This fall, Mike Moran and Bill Hunt released the 2nd edition of their book Search Engine Marketing, Inc: Driving search traffic to your company's web site.  The guide is 600+ pages and packed with practical, applicable information.  I've worked my way through it once and now am heading back in to begin implementing some of their strategies.

This is not a book for someone who wants a light read.  But if you want to understand how search engine marketing really works and how you can master the tricks of the trade — buy it now.

The book also comes with a DVD, filled with more than 2 hours of video tutorials, podcasts, articles and slide sets.

This book will be on your desk, propped open and dog-eared, for a long time to come.  I know mine will be.

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