Find a new read or two

Mack over at The Viral Garden has ignited a new idea in his post Revenge of the Z-Lister to spread the word on some blogs that really deserve more attention and traffic than they’re getting.  Some are pretty new while others are just still a well kept secret.

Here’s what Mack suggests we do to create some viral buzz for this worthy blogs:

"What YOU can do is simply create a new post on your blog, but CUT AND PASTE the list I have below, and then ADD any blogs you feel aren’t getting their due either. It can be 1 blog, or a hundred(or none if you simply want to repost the same list), but the idea is, find those great blogs that, for whatever reason, you feel aren’t getting their due, link-wise.

Then after you leave your post, the next blogger will do the same thing, cut and paste YOUR list, and add THEIR blogs to the list, then repost it. Add the same instructions in your post that the next blogger should cut and paste YOUR list, and add any blogs they feel should be on it to THEIR list. The list will get increasingly long, and all the blogs will get a sort of reverse ‘pyramid-affect’ of link-love. "

So….Mack posted his list.   Chris Brown added a couple.  Which inspired Mike Sansone to add a bunch.  Now, I’m going to keep the torch lit and add three more and then hope you’ll grab the torch and keep this going.

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