
Grace_1 Grace is something I think about a lot. My definition?  Simply offering support, forgiveness, comfort etc. to people in my world, whether they’ve earned it or not.

It’s much more than turning the other cheek.  It’s about assuming the best of everyone.  It’s being empathetic of where someone’s coming from.  Meeting them where they’re at.  Knowing full well they are going to screw up or disappoint – but staying true to the vision and my own values.  It’s about choosing to give them the benefit of the doubt and be gentle.

It is acknowledging that they are human, in the humblest form.

I try to apply this idea to all aspects of my life (and hope to God people offer me the same grace) but I think it is very pertinent to working with clients/customers.

Our clients/customers count on us to be their guide.  They’re an expert in their field and they look to us to be their expert in ours.  If you were walking side by side with a trusted friend and they stumble, wouldn’t you first reach out to help them up and then, again with them by your side, explore what tripped them up?

Do clients always behave like we’d want them to?  Do they always make the best decisions or react with the speed, amplitude or enthusiasm that we’d prescribe?  Do they drop the ball?  Or hand it off to the wrong person/team? Or forget about conversations about potential consequences and decisions made until there’s a problem?

You know the answers to all of those questions. 

But I think it is the questions behind the question that matters.  What was their intent? What is their heart? 

Then grace comes easily.  The day it doesn’t is the day I need to change jobs.

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9 comments on “Grace

  1. Drew, grace truly is extending forgiveness and empathy when folks may not deserve it. Somehow it’s great to know other people in our blogging community who live this.

  2. Robyn,

    Thank you. I couldn’t agree with your definition more. I think grace is also about how we choose to react to the world.

    Thanks for jumping into this post. I wasn’t sure if I should say it, but its been burning inside me for a couple days so I decided there must a reason.

    But its nice not to be hanging out here alone!


  3. Jeff Morris says:

    Fantastic post, Drew. I’m going to find as many ways as possible to inject this message into our employee training, to say nothing about my own personal reflection. Thanks for the uplift!


  4. Hi Drew,

    Great post – as always. You are a wonderful writer.

    I’ll be thinking about grace. I use the word acceptance a lot – accepting that we’re all different, accepting choices others make, accepting that everything is not how we might wish it to be, etc. Grace is more… graceful. I like it.

    Thanks for writing!

  5. Jeff,

    Nice to see you join the conversation! I’m glad you enjoyed the post. Infusing the message of grace into your staff training is a great idea. I think this is one of those “walk your talk” kinds of lessons, don’t you?


  6. Hey Sandy,

    Thank you so much. I can’t say I get tired of hearing compliments like that!

    I too, love the word grace. It seems all emcompassing somehow. One of those easy to say, sometimes hard to do concepts.

    But one worthy of striving for.


  7. Becky,

    Thank you. I really debated posting this. It’s on topic but then again not. So it’s gratifying to know that you and others enjoyed it.

    Thank you for sharing it with your readers!


  8. David Armano says:

    “It is acknowledging that they are human, in the humblest form.”

    Isn’t this so true, but also why it’s so difficult for us to extend grace? You’d think as a bunsh of flawed human beings we’d be so much more understanding of our own limitations–but we aren’t. We expect perfection from others even when we are always looking for a break for ourselves.

    excellent post.

  9. David,

    You ask a very important question. I can remember my grandpa telling me once that if I found something particular loathsome or even irritating in someone else, odds were it was something I recognized as being a part of myself.

    I didn’t understand it then, but I do now. Maybe we contributes to our propensity to not extend the very grace we crave/need.


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