In lead generation – branding matters

It’s sort of a duh, isn’t it?

If someone knows who you are, they are more likely to listen and be influenced by you.  We covered that in the Don’t talk to strangers post.  And yet, there are many out there who will tell you — branding doesn’t matter.  Just go out there and sell.‘s new research report What’s Working In Lead Generation sides with me on this one.  (Or maybe it is the other way around?)


The numbers tell the story.  Those companies that have are better known have greater success in chasing new business.  As we talked about in the first segment of this series, the research shows that companies are gearing up to be more aggressive out there. 

So reality check here.  Your competitors are going to be making more noise in the market place.  If they are also ahead of you in terms of brand recognition, you’ve got some serious trouble on your hands.  What can you do about it?

And then you’re ready to learn more from the research document.  More insights from the report are on the way….

Note:  The full report shares 6 key insights which I’ll be exploring over the next several days with you.  In the meantime, if you’d like to download their free 21-page summary, you can grab it here.

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2 comments on “In lead generation – branding matters

  1. Mike Sansone says:

    Maybe this is one reason I tend to do just as much (more?)business outside of Iowa as within.

    Got me thinking (not unusual)

  2. Mike,

    That makes sense. Which is also why when you take your eye off the pitch, you’re disappointed that you’re hitting a lot of singles but not many home runs.

    Be your brand.


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