Why I blog

There are so many important business reasons why I blog.  It’s good for McLellan Marketing Group, it’s good for my career and its good for our clients.

But most of all, it is good for my soul.  This weekend, I spent a day with my good friends (from left to right) Lewis Green, Luc Debaisieux (Mindblob), me, David Reich and the two lovely ladies in the front row, CK and Valeria Maltoni.


We laughed, we talked and we shared.  Interestingly, there was very little talk about blogging. 

We came together to honor the life and spirit of Sandra Kerley but in the end, we honored her and so much more. 

We honored each other, we honored genuine affection and we honored friendships borne in distance and with words that have since outgrown that boundary and now are simply deep friendships with no other explanation or description required.


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