But will they buy Paul Potts’ CDs?

Odds are you have watched at least one YouTube video of Paul Potts, the cell phone sales guy who arrived at the UK’s Britain’s Have Talent as the unknown underdog and took the world and the competition by storm.

If not…here’s a chance to see him in action.  This particular video has been viewed over a million times and it’s one of many variations.

So why are we so fascinated and taken by Paul Potts?

  • He’s the underdog.
  • He’s ordinary.
  • He’s not gorgeous or appearing to have any other "advantage" in life.
  • He’s afraid but doing it anyway.
  • He has a dream that he’s willing to take risks to explore.

We are suckers for this kind of story.  We take heart in them.  We cheer on the underdog and feel like maybe if he can capture his dream…then we can too! (cue the music.)


I know…I’m the jerk who is raining on the parade.  The world has embraced Paul Potts.  But he sings opera.  And the bulk of the world does not like, listen to or understand opera.  And he is ordinary looking in a field (entertainment) that clamors for beauty.  Think I am being mean?  In his first post-winning interviews, Potts also focuses on his looks and the "repair work" that needs to be done.

So now what?  Do you think Paul Potts will change the world’s impression/buying patterns regarding opera?  Will he at least take the opera world by storm?

Will the traits that attracted the world also inspire them to pull out their wallets?  Or will Paul be a great inspirational YouTube video and in a few months, be back at the cell phone counter?

His personal brand served him well to win the competition.  He won our hearts.  Do you think it will serve him well in the marketplace and let him win our wallets?

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