Grab the mic: Dan Schawbel – With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility

Spiderman A blog is not just about a conversation, it’s about the ideas that flourish within the conversation and the influence that it has on others.  By writing posts, you may in fact be changing someone’s life, their train of thought or a decision they could be making. 

If you watched the movie Spiderman, then you must have picked up on the quote "with great power comes great responsibility." The quote was said by Ben Parker (Peter’s uncle) a few scenes before he was murdered.  As Spiderman, Peter’s has the ability to fight evil or become evil and depending on how he utilizes the gift that was given to him, he can change the world for better or worse. 

You are Spiderman. 

You may not have webbing or spidey sense, but your writing impacts lives on a recurring basis.  You’d be surprised how many people have a stake in your personal brand.  Check out your subscription base for example and see how many people rely on you as a source of information for running their daily lives. 

Having a blog is a powerful thing and empowers you to express your personal brand through writing, multimedia and community.  If you put yourself on the other end of the spectrum, as the receiver of your own information, you’ll get a deeper sense of the value and authenticity. 

Unethical behavior online, in which you plagiarize or falsely identify news or advice, can not only hurt your brand, but also negatively affect your readership.

For instance, if you write about how Google has changed their algorithm, in that the more links you have, the lower your PageRank, you are going to seriously hurt their business and your personal brand.  You lose credibility.  If you spread knowledge of new marketing strategies that you know have failed, the same effect may occur.  Remember that not everyone who reads your blog has this knowledge and they come to you to acquire it, so be mindful of what you write.

If you don’t blog, then pay close attention to the credibility of the blogs that you read.  It’s wise to review their profile; to ensure that they have the knowledge and field expertise required to be trustworthy.  You can get a better sense of their brand by reviewing their past few blog posts, as well as the comments they receive and the network they have on their blogroll. 

Bottom line –blogging is all about transparency.  Your actions will speak loudly, so choose them carefully.

As a leading Personal Branding expert for the gen-y audience, Dan has a world recognized blog, a TV podcast series, awards and a magazine on the subject of personal branding.  He is also the creator of the first 360 degree personal brand website that mixes his professional and personal life together into a compelling story. Dan has been featured in Fast Company Magazine, BrandWeek Magazine, Yahoo! Finance and has written for The American Marketing Association, MarketingProfs and other major resources.

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