Who is ready to grab the mic?

Mike A few weeks ago, a rowdy band of bloggers covered for me while I vacationed.  I loved the variety of voices, the great conversations and the reader response. 

In fact, it was such a hit that I’ve decided to try something for a bit.  Grab the Mic Fridays

What does that mean? 

It means I’m hoping to have a guest post from someone wickedly smart and engaging every Friday.

Here’s how it is going to work.  If you’re interested…please read this post so you can get a sense of who reads this blog.  Then, e-mail me with your guest post idea and we’re off to the races.

You do not have to be a marketing professional, but the topic must be relevant to business owners, marketing professionals, marketing bloggers and the like.

You also don’t have to be a blogger.  Just someone with something of interest to share.  Speaking of sharing…this is about giving away your expertise, thinking or passion.  Don’t bother to e-mail me if you want to hawk something.

So, what do you say….you want to grab the mic?