Ten things you didn’t know about Toby & Liz

So here’s how this went.  Toby (Marketing Diva) and Liz (Successful Blog) got tagged by Shel Isreal.  They decided rather than share 10 secrets about themselves, they’d create 10 things about Shel that Shel didn’t know.

Then, Toby tagged 10 people, including yours truly.  So I decided to continue along the vein that the ladies started.  So, without further ado, here are 10 things you didn’t know (and neither did they) about Toby and Liz.


On Tuesday nights, Toby (in a fabulous black wig and hot red dress) sneaks down to Atlanta’s infamous Kitty Kat Lounge, where she performs as the torch singer, Lulu Larue.  She actually is on the piano when she sings.  Totally true.

In 1998, Toby was awarded the blue ribbon for her peach cobbler at the Georgia State Fair.  Totally true.

Being the genteel Southern lady that she is…Toby actually outfits herself in a hip hat and some shades to get into her Diva persona.  Totally true.

Toby is a trained dog whisperer.  In French.  Totally true.

When asked what her favorite swear word is, Toby demurely replied, "pooey is what slips out when I’m REALLY mad."  Totally true.


Picture_12 Being the connected and sought after Chicago socialite that she is, Liz has Oprah’s super duper secret cell phone number.  When Oprah calls Liz…her special ring tone is the theme song from the Color Purple.  Totally true.

Liz has not slept a wink since 1987.  This explains her "can’t be humanly possible" output of work and the fact that if you comment on her blog, she will always comment back within 16 seconds.  Totally true.

If you haven’t spoken to Liz on the phone, she has a very husky, Kathleen Turneresque voice.  But you can hear her…she’s the official voice of Maxim magazine.  When you call to order a subscription, it’s Liz who says, "what free gift would you like with that, Tiger?"  Totally true.

Liz can actually trace her family tree back to Johannes Gutenberg, inventor of the printing press.  Totally true.

For fun, Liz filled balloons with whipped cream and drops them from her condo’s balcony on unsuspecting passersby.  Totally true.

As you might guess…I am not brave enough to tag anyone.  Let the tomfoolery end here.

Update:  So much for that plan.  Within a nanosecond, Steve added to the tomfoolery.  Read about my secret life.