Real time search engine for Facebook and Twitter

Screen shot 2010-09-05 at 10.26.00 PM Late this spring a new search engine snuck onto the scene.  Kurrently ( allows you to search Facebook and Twitter in real time.

Put any search term or combination of terms into Kurrently, and instantly receive the scrolling results with Tweets and Facebook status updates organized by date stamp. The results automatically update as you watch.

I tried it with "drew mclellan" and found quite a few Twitter and Facebook mentions that I hadn't caught through the normal tracking methods.

It's been pretty tough to find a way to accurately gauge Facebook buzz but this should help considerably.

Screen shot 2010-09-05 at 10.35.46 PM Interestingly, the developers have added an RSS option.  You'll see it on the search results page.  When you click on the Subscribe, a window pops open and invites you to pay as much as you would like, via PayPal, for the subscription.

An intriguing question – what's the convenience of the feed worth to you?

Regardless of the RSS subscription option — this is a very slick tool.  Check it out.

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