
Is this a mad advertising idea?
I’m all for being fresh and innovative in your creative approach. And when you sell something like vasectomies, you are no doubt even more challenged.
So I’m intrigued to get your opinion about a local clinic’s latest advertising message.
Here in Iowa, the Iowa Clinics is, according to their own website, “the largest physician owned multi-specialty group in Central Iowa with more than 140 physicians and healthcare providers practicing in 37 specialties. The Iowa Clinic serves a population area of 1.1 million, averaging 400,000 patient visits each year.”
So a large practice with many top rated physicians. They’re regular advertisers and like many healthcare providers, their marketing tends to be about what you’d expect. But not their most recent TV spots.
To paraphrase their entire spot — when you get a vasectomy, you have to take a few days off, sit on the couch and recuperate. So why not time your vasectomy so you can enjoy March Madness?
What do you think? Good idea? Will it move people from the thinking about it stage to taking action? Bad idea? Is it tacky to tie a medical procedure to watching a sporting event?
I can’t wait to get your take — so please jump into the conversation in the comments section.
Note: As I discovered, this is clearly not a new approach. Here are some other articles about the combining of the two: