What I’m reading (10/3/09)


I've always loved to read…and thank God, I'm fast.  So many books….so little free time.  I thought I might try a new feature on the blog and every week or so, give you the skinny on the books that have caught my fancy.  Most will be new ones (I am trying to whittle down the pile) but every once in awhile it will include a classic too.

Here's what I've been reading this week and my take on each.

The Brand Called You by Peter Montoya & Tim Vandehey (buy it here)

Personal branding is certainly all abuzz.  I'm not going to spend much time reminding you that A) everyone has a personal brand, whether you want one or not and B) you should purposefully manage your brand, as opposed to having it thrust upon you.

This book breaks down the discussion into four sections:

  • The DNA of a personal brand – what is it, how does it work and what can it do?
  • The brand with three brains – Key strategies that make personal branding work
  • Anatomy of a personal brand – Tactical tools you can implement
  • Bringing your brand to life – Making it happen

This book is light on theory, heavy on real life examples and ideas you can implement quickly.

Bottom line:  Some very intriguing ideas.  It's not rocket science but even if you're an old pro, you'll close the book with some new ideas to try.

The New Language of Marketing 2.0 by Sandy Carter (buy it here)

Wow.  Sandy Carter has gathered up over 50 case studies and examples that demonstrate how marketers can use web 2.0 tools to really connect with their customers.  Most of the case studies include Lessons Learned call outs or tips culled from the study.  Very helpful format.

If I have a complaint it would be that the mass majority of examples are from very large companies like IBM and Coke.  If you're a mom and pop business, it may be tougher to apply some of these lessons.

Bottom line:  Superb case studies and learning.  You may have to work a little bit to apply to your world.

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