Mitt Romney is getting tired (or lazy) in Iowa!

January 3, 2012

This upcoming Presidential election will be my daughter’s first opportunity to vote.

Combine that with the fact that we live in Iowa, the caucus is upon us and she’s a registered Independent and you can only imagine the flood of mail and calls she’s received leading up to the caucus.

You know what all the candidates are thinking…. fresh meat!

So I was a little surprised and appalled at what front runner Mitt Romney sent her late last week.

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The front of Mitt’s postcard to my daughter.  Understated would be a nice way to describe it.
The back of the postcard sent to my daughter. No real message or reason for her to lend him her support.

Now….I’m all for plenty of white space but come on.  Is this really the best that Mitt and his team could do?  Why bother spending the money at all if this is the effort you put out?

The marketing message is pretty clear here.  Don’t just spend money or send stuff out to be doing it.  Have a vision/goals and make sure your copy and design support those goals.

Shame on you Mitt.  You claim to be the candidate that will run this country like a business.  Well no business I know would waste their money on this kind of a direct mail campaign!

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