The new phone book is here — where’s yours?
January 17, 2013
Normally at MMG, we caution clients to be careful of the “I don’t listen/watch/do therefore neither does my target audience” trap.
We usually do not represent our target audience and even if we are like them — there are plenty of exceptions to the rule. And sometimes the exception is you!
But in this case I will say — how you (and I) use our trusty, dusty phone book is probably pretty similar to how the rest of the world responds to them as well.
Mine? It went from bag on the lawn to recycling bin in one fluid motion.
If you are still spending money on phone book ads — unless you know that your target audience still uses them (pretty much the 65+ crowd), there are better places for your money.
P.S. And don’t let the “how did you hear about us” question fool you. TV and the phone book are the usual answer when they respondent either doesn’t remember or doesn’t want to say.