Crash Davis, Belief Statements and renewing those vows

Picture_2 My all time favorite meme is one that was started by Starbucker at Ramblings from A Glass Half Full. His post was inspired by the movie Bull Durham.

There’s that famous scene where Kevin Costner goes into a very passionate recitation of his beliefs which got Starbucker to think about his own.  He invited his readers to share theirs…and voila, a meme is born.

This feels like the time of year when we should pause and know what we believe in.  Do you?

Here’s what I said a year ago.  I’m pleased to say, they haven’t changed a bit.

I believe…

  • being a dad is the most important thing I’ll ever do and that my daughter is my legacy to this world.
  • in God’s grace.
  • passion cannot be ignored.
  • in the healing powers of walking along the ocean.
  • in savoring when you hit the sweet spot…and knowing how to recreate it.
  • everyone should have at least one guilty pleasure and one place that makes them feel like a kid again. (Mine is Disney World!)
  • life’s best smells are babies, a puppy’s belly, freshly baked chocolate chip cookies, the softness of a special perfume as you dance to a slow song and a horse barn.  (I do not necessarily recommend that these smells be mixed)
  • good people become great people when they give from their hearts and that most bad people are good people who are stuck.
  • we are never too old to play and be silly.
  • that nothing says I love you quicker than holding hands.
  • baseball is a metaphor for life and that doing what’s right often means hitting a sacrifice bunt.
  • the word empower should be removed from the English language.
  • we all decide the spirit of our day.
  • in the resilience of the human spirit, the depth of the human heart and the potential of the human imagination.
  • that everything is about relationships and people hunger to connect.
  • I am on this earth to be a part of things bigger than myself, to give all that I have and to love without hesitation or reservation.

What do you say…will you join in?  Grab hold of your heart…and tell us and your readers (if you’re a blogger) what you believe in.

Here are some of the other posts in the meme.

Ellen Weber
Maria Palma
Tom Vander Well
Mary Schmidt

Come on — join in.  Link or track back to this post so I can add your beliefs to the list!  If you don’t have a blog –share your beliefs in the comments section!

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