What’s your purple goldfish?
January 11, 2012

Get your free copy of Stan Phelp’s book!
A few years ago, I met Stan Phelps, another marketing guy, online (I think he commented on my blog and we started chatting via email) and before I knew it — we were friends. He was just dipping his toe into the blogging waters and I tried to be helpful along the way.
Fast forward to today, January 11, 2012.
Stan’s first book, What’s Your Purple Goldfish*, is being released today. I’ve read it and know you’re going to love it. Really love it.
I’m also very humbled to say that Stan asked me to write the forward for his book. So I can think of no better way to introduce you to Stan’s excellent book than to share with you a bit of what I had to say.
“…He understood that marketing is about being so remarkable that people can’t help but talk about you. That if you absolutely delight someone – they will not only come back but they’ll bring friends. They become your sales force.
Stan delivers this marketing truth over and over again in this book all wrapped in the idea of lagniappe. What’s so awesome about the whole notion of marketing lagniappe is that it not only teaches us what to do but more importantly, it reminds us that it must be done from the heart.
True lagniappe can’t be faked or forced. We banter the word authentic around too much these days. But for lagniappe to work, it must be just that — real and offered without expectation of anything in return.
In other words – you do it because you want to, not because it’s in a marketing plan document or because your ROI calculator told you it would generate a 42.36% return. (And no…there’s no such thing as an ROI calculator!)
As you read the stories that Stan has collected for this book, I think you’re going to be amazing at the creativity and generosity that many businesses have and in the end, I suspect you’ll be inspired to let your inner spirit of lagniappe loose.
You’ll probably fill up a notepad with ideas of how you could do a little something extra to enchant your customers. When you’ve turned that corner and are thinking about them rather than what’s in it for you – you’re truly ready to practice lagniappe.
I honestly believe that the guys in the white hats do win in the end. And companies that embrace the belief that if you give first and you give generously – you will earn customers for life are marketing’s good guys. This book shows us time and time again how to make that happen.
In the end, this book is Stan’s own lagniappe for all of us. A genuine gesture of sharing what he truly believes with the hope that it is of great value to us. I’m so happy for you that you’ve found Stan, his book and are about to receive a gift that could, if you let it, change how you do business forever.”
True to his belief in lagniappe — Stan is making it possible for you to enjoy his book for free. (You can buy the paperback version here* if you’d like to go that route)
Option #1: If you own a Kindle and are an Amazon Prime member, you can download the book for free by visiting this page. This offer is good for the next 90 days.
Option #2: You can download a free copy from Scribd by clicking here.
Option #3: You can buy a paperback copy here (only at this site) and if you email your receipt to Stan (click here to do that) then he’ll send you a signed paperback and a little surprise for free.
The book is well worth the $16 and it’s a freaking steal for free. Get it however you choose to — but get it. And as you read it, hopefully the marketing lagniappe stories will inspire some lagniappe of your own.
Go on… get the book.