How/why we buy: Social commerce infographic

December 7, 2011

One of the best decisions I made as a college student was to get a Psych minor.  It certainly helps me be smarter when it comes to marketing, business ownership and life in general.  Besides, people fascinate me and I like understanding how they tick.

That’s probably why this infographic caught my attention.  It focused on the psychology behind how/why we buy and how social interactions influence those buying decisions.

Throughout the infographic, you’ll find little nuggets called psychological reasoning like “we have an innate desire to repay favors in order to maintain social fairness whether those favors were invited or not.”

Check this out… and then tell me which insight will be most helpful to you.

Tabjuice Psychology

Thanks to Stephania Andrade from TabJuice for making sure I didn’t miss this one.  If you’d like to share it with others, here’s the link to the original post.

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