2007 — My turn at offering a marketing prediction

Newyear The last week of December and the early part of January are always awash with predictions.  I got a nice note from David Polinchock, pointing me to the excellent series he wrote for Brand Experience Lab.  Then, I found Be Excellent’s Top 10 Business Resolutions for 2007.

Both well-written and wise posts.  There’s not a bad observation in the bunch.

Want to hear my prediction for 2007?

I don’t think that most businesses will actually do any of it. 

  • I don’t believe that most businesses are brave enough to step out from the shadows of "we’ve always done it that way" to try something new.
  • I don’t believe that most businesses have the courage to trust their own customers and employees to grow and share the brand. 
  • I don’t even believe that most businesses  understand branding enough to take a whack at it. 
  • Sadly, I don’t believe that most businesses will even bother to listen to the blogosphere, let alone engage in it.

Are you brave enough to prove me wrong?  I sure hope so.

Flickr photo courtesy of pastelginger.

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