I didn’t expect you

September 23, 2008

Picture_1 Two years ago today, I clicked on the “publish now” button here at Drew’s Marketing Minute for the first time.  I wasn’t sure what to expect.

I figured I’d write and sometimes, someone would read.  Maybe a comment or two.  It was a grand experiment and I was flying without a net.

Now, 760 posts later — boy, did I write.  With 3,200+ subscribers, I guess you did some reading and with a whopping 5,526 comments as I write this — man, did you talk back!

I don’t really know how to say this without sounding a little goofy — but I am humbled by your presence here.  I know how busy you are.  I know how many excellent marketing blogs there are.  And still you come.  I didn’t expect you.

And thank goodness you showed up!  Do you realize what we’ve done together in these two years?  We’ve sparked ideas, we’ve raised issues, we critiqued, applauded and even gotten a little weepy once or twice.

We co-wrote Giving College Grads a Fighting Chance and invited the world to download it for free.

We created the resource — New Blogger’s Toolbox and loaded it with great blogs and teachers for the novice blogger.

Together, we launched Age of Conversation and raised about $14,000 at last count for Variety, the Children’s Charity.  And as crazy as we are…we’re about to do it again!

We created Blogger’s Social and literally brought the world to NYC for a weekend of laughter, hugging and some crazy hats.

But above all, we connected.  For me anyway, this has gone way beyond just writing about marketing and branding.  Just like we preach — by just being here and being yourselves, sharing with gusto, and creating a welcoming place for others to join us — together, we created a community.

I’ve talked to many of you on the phone or via e-mail.  I’ve met you for coffee, for a beer, for dinner or for a laugh.  We’ve skyped, ooVoo’d, texted and traded guest posts.

And in some cases, we’ve shared a weekend or a moment.  And they’ve all been remarkable.  From this grand experiment, I’ve gained so much.  But what I value the most is you.

Thank you for sharing this space with me for the past two years.  I really didn’t expect you.  But man, am I glad you showed up!

Here’s a little and very incomplete pictorial view of some of the people this blog has brought into my life.  I’m grateful beyond measure.


Pictured…Luc Debaisieux, CK, Gavin Heaton, Lori Magno


Pictured…Connie Reece & me


Pictured…Me, Sandy Renshaw, Tom Vander Well, Timothy Johnson, Mike Sansone, Terry Starbucker and Mike Wagner


Pictured…me & Roberta Rosenberg


Pictured…Todd And & me


Pictured…Anna Farmery & me

Just like the marketing lesson you’re probably sick of hearing me preach — in the end, it’s about the relationship.   Again, thank you so much for being a part of this blog.  I didn’t expect you. But I love that you’re here!


Taking your show on the road

September 23, 2008

472526248_433f67e4a3 Trade shows are an incredibly effective way to introduce your business to a wide array of potential new customers.  When it comes to displays, I have some good news and some bad news.  Want the good news first?  Your competitors’ booths probably stink. 

Ready for the bad news?  Yours probably does too.

Let’s face it — most booths look and behave the same.  Think of the "standards" of a booth.  How many of those do you include with yours?  Is there a way to freshen it up a little?

Here are some rules to think about when you or your agency is working on your display.

~ What’s the point?  Identify the one fact/impression you want everyone to remember from your display.  Not three main points or five.  One.  Once you have communicated that, stop. 

~ Force them to stop.  Do something so visually arresting that people cannot help but stop.  This is not the time to be timid.  Be bold.  Grab them and (figuratively) drag them into your space.  I’m not talking (unless it fits with your brand) something silly.  I am talking relevant but WOW!

~ Think of it like a billboard.  Be brief.  This is not the place to reproduce your sales letter or brochure. 

~ Less is more.  Some companies’ trade show space is like a three-ring circus.  People do not want to walk into chaos.  Having one good, bold idea is much more effective than throwing the kitchen sink at the attendees. 

~ Do it right.  Yes, you are going to have to spend more money.  But, it is an investment that will last for years.  This is not the place to go cheap.  It will be glaringly obvious and speak volumes about your business.

If you’re going to invest the money and time resources to have a presence at a trade show, make sure you maximize that investment by having a display that they’ll remember long after the show doors close.

We’ve all been to plenty of shows.  Think back — what’s the most memorable booth you’ve ever seen and what about it sticks out in your mind?

Flickr photo courtesy of the Image Group.


Should you answer back to their ad?

September 21, 2008

Last week, I wrote about not letting your competitors’ actions lure you off your path.  (There were some really smart comments, so check them out.) 

And then, lo and behold…an excellent example for us to discuss appeared.  Everyone is familiar with the brilliant Apple campaign Mac versus PC.  Just in case you’re not…here’s an example.

And now, Microsoft has come out with a TV spot that answers the Apple campaign.  (Sorry for the quality, it’s the best I could find.)

Good idea or bad?  Do they sound defensive?  Look reactive?  Do they do a good job of making their point? Do they change your perceptions?  Would this influence your buying decision?


Hey ye sea dog, how many flags are ye hoistin’?

September 19, 2008

Blackbeardeede (Note to my readers.  No, I have not gone off the deep end.  September 19th is blog like a pirate day and who’d want to miss out on that??)

Aft in th’ tide, buccanneers banded together in crews an’ sailed th’ seas, lookin’ fer places t’ plunder an’ pillage. Each crew tookst great pride in the’r ability t’ secure bounty. They be like a tight-knit family, workin’ an’ playin’ together. They boasted o’ battles won an’ lasses wooed. Piratin’ be a team sport an’ ye wore yer team`s colors wi’ honor. T’ tell th’ world jus’ who be approachin’, each crew hoisted a unique jolly roger on the’r vessel, typically adorned wi’ symbols that told a tale o’ the’r captain.

Th’ jolly rogers be defended, often times wi’ th’ sea dogs` lives. They be that important a symbol. They told th’ crew`s distinct tale.

How about ye? Do ye hoist a single jolly roger that tells o’ yer unique tale or do ye spend half yer time, hoistin’ an’ changin’ jolly rogers, dependin’ on who ye be talkin’ t’ or what yer scurvy dog competitors be doin’?

If ye dasn’t hoist a jolly roger at all — what tale would ye want yer jolly roger t’ tell, if ye could only be havin’ th’ one? What symbols would ye include so that yer tale would be remembered an’ re-told by them who saw ‘t?

Can ye imagine th’ pride ye might create in yer own crew, if ye gave them a powerful tale an’ a symbolic jolly roger t’ wave an’ raise?

Maybe ye canna wave a jolly roger at yer place o’ business. But what could ye hoist t’ be a constant reminder o’ what ye an’ yer crew would swashbuckle t’ th’ Davy Jones’ locker t’ defend?

If ye dasn’t give yer crew an’ yer customers somethin’ t’ b’lieve in an’ defend, why ortin’ ta they keep comin’ aft?

The flag is Blackbeard’s.  To read more about pirate flags and all things pirate…check this out.


Brace your business for the bumpy road

September 18, 2008


Banks failing, gas prices rising, and the credit crunch pinching — no wonder business people are nervous.  These are scary times.

But they don’t have to be disastrous times.  We’ve weathered recessions (even though we are apparently not in one) before and we will weather this one too.

There’s been some very smart writing on the topic, from a marketing perspective and I wanted to point you to a couple excellent posts.

John Rosen at Stopwatch Marketing (have you read his book?) tells us how to thrive in a slowdown.

John Jantsch at Duct Tape Marketing (have you read his book?) gives us 7 time-tested ways to dig out from a recession.

Hang in there…this is the time to invest in the relationships you have with current customers, stay visible in the marketplace (especially if your competitors are cutting back), build and protect your brand and overall, think long-term in your strategies.

The businesses that keep focused and recognizes that this a just a bump in the road (albeit a good sized bump) will be in stride to really take off once we’re on better ground. 

Better times are around the corner, we just need to keep keeping on to get there.


Don’t worry traditional media — you’re not done yet

September 16, 2008

36593032 I get it.  It’s sexy and new.  Social media/digital marketing is to 2008 what banner ads were to the 90s.  (Remember how they were going to change the world and everyone was going to make a killing?)

At MMG, we’ve done many a digital campaign for our clients.  And the results exceeded everyone’s expectations.  So I’m not suggesting that there’s anything wrong with digital marketing or using social media as a marketing tool.  We know, from doing it, that it’s very effective.

But just like in the good old days of advertising, when everyone talked media mix, we need to remember….you don’t want to put all your eggs in one basket.  Yesterday’s media mix might have been radio and print.  Today’s media mix needs to be a blend of traditional and digital marketing efforts.

You will almost always get better results when you have a hearty mix of the two.

Jason Baer, of Convince and Convert, wrote a smart post on this topic, with a couple mini case studies to prove his point.

Bottom line — it’s not an either or choice.  It’s now a "what’s the best of both?" choice.  So, as you think about your next campaign and begin to formulate your media plan, remember – add plenty of ingredients and blend well.

If you’re buying media for clients or your own business — how has your media buying changed and how do you perceive the need (or lack thereof) for a media mix?


Are you being lured off track?

September 14, 2008

10003797 Have you ever had the experience of driving along, paying attention to something off in the horizon and next thing you know, you’ve driven to that spot?  And it wasn’t where you meant to go?

The same phenomenon can happen in your business. 

My most recent post over at Small Business Branding talks about how you can keep your competition from luring you away from your own business plan/path

it’s a dangerous and all too common problem.  Much like my driving example — letting your competition lure you from doing what you need to do can cost you some serious time, money and other resources.

You don’t want to get caught up in the "me too" game of following your competition’s lead.  Come on over and jump into the discussion.


Fine…content is king. Now what?

September 14, 2008

Contentcover We’ve heard it for the past few years (longer, if we were really listening).  Content is king.  Less hype, more value.  Talk directly to your customers about what matters to them.  The explosion of social media tools (blogs, twitter, Facebook etc.) is proof that we can actually be the media.

That doesn’t mean you have to launch a magazine or put a broadcast antenna on your office building.

It means that consumers are open to listening, if you’re open to creating relevant content and offering it to them.  You can do that on-line.  You can do that in a traditional printed piece.  And you can do it in person.

That’s a critical point — this is not just an internet-driven marketing solution.  Which means this book is relevant to just about everyone.

So how do you do it?

Well, there’s the rub.  Fortunately, in this case, there’s a solution.  Newt Barrett and Joe Pulizzi have written the book Get Content.  Get Customers.  Think of it as your toolbox to Content Marketing.  It is right on the mark, easy to understand and implement.

The book has excellent case studies from all kinds of companies in all kinds of industries.  You’ll see what’s possible.  But what you’re really going to love is the play by play instructions and insights that will help you get from nodding your head to actually implementing the ideas.

If you’ve read this blog for awhile, you know I really love books that actually tell you how to do it.  This book is all about that.  You’ll read this book with a pencil in hand so you can write in the margins.  My copy is a sorry looking dog-eared and highlighted book.   A high compliment to any business book, in my opinion.

If you’re a business owner or leader — you will do something different as a result of this book.  It’s just that relevant.



Sports sponsorships have gotten completely out of hand

September 11, 2008

80841378 Or…the other title I played with….You sponsored WHAT?

I was running some errands on Saturday, so I had the radio on.  Several college football games were about to start.   Then, it began.

The most absurd sports sponsorships I have ever heard.  One right on top of the other.  No category exclusivity.  One local/regional bank after the other.  Practically stacked up like cord wood the announcers were spitting them out so fast.

"The Turf Report brought to you by XYZ Bank.  Boy, the grounds crew did a great job even though we had rain last night.  The grass is green and ready to go.  Thanks to Bank XYZ for bringing us this important information."

"The Wind Report is brought to you by ABC Bank.  The wind is coming in from the north east at about 10 miles an hour, Biff.  That’s going to have absolutely no effect on the kicking game.  This Wind Report brought to you by ABC Bank."

"The Ingrown Toe Nail Count is sponsored by GHI Bank today.  The Hawkeyes are sporting 23 ingrown toenails all total, Hank.  The Black Bears are really in toe trouble.  They’re carrying 46 ingrown nails into the game.  Thanks to GHI Bank for the latest."

Seriously people….stop it. 

I don’t care how crazy your town or state is for a sports team. (Even those fanatics in Nebraska!)  And I don’t care how cheap the sponsorship is.  It is a complete and utter waste of money.  Being one of 20+ sponsors in a pre-game show is ridiculous.  (Yes…I made up the toenail one, but the other two are legit — heard them myself!)

Unless you can be a big fish, a sponsorship is not marketing, it’s a charitable donation.   The only one who wins is your radio rep who made the commission.  I assure you — the listeners cannot remember you or any of the other 19 sponsors.

Stop sponsoring grass.  Stop sponsoring the wind.  And if anyone offers it to you, say no to ingrown toenails.


Going from commodity to being the only option

September 9, 2008

There are certain things that I think of as a complete commodity.  I don’t care about the "brand."  I don’t really care where I buy it. 

Milk.  Gas.  And pizza.

I’m not talking about pizza that you go out to get (in that case…Ray’s in NYC is the must)…I’m talking the "bring it to our door, we have a house full of teenagers" pizza that I seem to be buying on a very regular basis.

Dominos, Pizza Hut, Godfather’s, Papa John’s — whatever.  Basically the same.  A complete commodity at the McLellan house.

But not any more.  Now, I have a very strong preference. I would go out of my way to order from one over the other.   You’re probably wondering what in the world a pizza place could do to go from commodity to only option.

A new crust?  Some wild new ingredient combination?  Free food?

No, no and no.  Dominos knows that their pizza is pretty much like all the others.  So to differentiate themselves, they didn’t focus on the pizza.  They focused on my experience.

Most pizza places let you order online now.  But Dominos has taken it to a whole new level.  They have this new pizza tracker.  I can literally watch as my pizza is prepped, baked and boxed for delivery.

Here, you can see (feed readers…click to see the visuals) that my order has been placed and Charles is beginning to prep my pizza.  Right next to the the YOU GOT IT MADE line…it outlines who is doing what when.



Then, Charles puts the pizza in the oven.



I’m skipping a couple steps here…but after the pizza was boxed, Matt, their delivery expert, left the store with the food at 7:39 pm.



Now, you may be thinking…"wow…Drew needs to get a little more excitement in his life" and that may be true.  But…every time the McLellan household (and many hungry teen-aged guests) need pizza — instead of poking around for a coupon or just randomly picking one — I now always call Dominos.  That did not happen before the tracker.

Figure the average bill is around $50 when I am feeding a gang.  Figure that it’s dinner at chez McLellan, on average, twice or three times a month.  $150/month.  That’s almost $2,000 a year. 

Dominos figured out that their category (pizza delivery) had been so commoditized that they could compete on price (the "I don’t have a brand or anything that makes me different" choice) or they could somehow make themselves stand out from the crowd.  They knew consumers wouldn’t buy/believe the "we taste better."   So they thought about how they could alter the buying experience.  How could they make that different for me?

Smart.  Very smart.

So how about you?  Are you in a business where what you sell (the pizza of your industry) is pretty much the same?  Or…different but not in a way that the consumer could discern it? 

Is there some other aspect of your service, delivery, packaging, pricing etc. that you could make notably different?  If they won’t/don’t choose you because of your product — why else might they make you an "only option?"

Update:  Looks like I am not the only one writing on this topic.  Discovered Cale’s piece when I was doing the feedreader thing!
