Don’t talk to Strangers!

November 9, 2006

Images_8 The mantra of mothers everywhere.  "Don’t talk to strangers!."  At least it was the mantra of my mom.  When my daughter was little, it shifted to "stranger danger!"  But the message was the same.  We talk to the people we trust.  People we know.

It’s no different in marketing.  Consumers are fed up.  They are tired of being talked to.  They are tired of the unwanted invasion. They want to engage in a conversation.   With someone they trust.  Someone they know.

There’s a great book that talks all about this called Waiting for your Cat to Bark.  It’s an insightful read about how the inmates have taken over the prison!  The consumer truly is in charge today.  As we sit here and blog, we are living proof of that.   The Do Not Call list is living proof of that.  Spam filters — yup, living proof.

Valeria Maltoni, over at Conversation Agent, has a great post about "the consumer revolution."  In the post, she offers 10 great questions that speak from the customer’s voice about how they want to engage in that conversation.

So, here’s my question for you.   What are you doing to move your brand from stranger to trusted friend?  I fear if we don’t — we’re going to be very lonely because pretty soon, we’re not going to have anyone to talk to.

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Why do you blog?

November 8, 2006

Blogging MontageImage by Blogging Librarian via Flickr

CK, over at CK’s blog asked a simple question.  Why do marketers blog?  She got so many great answers that she wanted to capture them, rather than let the scroll down to her archive and get lost.

So she created a PDF.  Check it out — some great, insightful thoughts.

But…she wants to one up herself, so she’s asking the same question again. What is the single greatest value you get from blogging?

Join in the conversation.

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Is wacky marketing a good idea?

November 7, 2006

Now there’s a loaded question, eh?

The answer, of course, is…maybe.  Maybe not.  How’s that for decisive marketing counsel?  Wacky for wacky’s sake is fun but its for you, not for your customer.   Wacky for the right reasons, in the right place…for the right business?  Now that’s worth looking at, from your customer’s POV.

It all wraps around the bigger issue of branding.  Does your brand fit with wacky?  If so, you can probably come up with an attention-getting marketing tactic that celebrates something unique about your brand.  But if you’re a law firm, it probably doesn’t make much sense.Images2_1

An article in an old Entrepreneur Magazine caught my eye.  The author lists 10 "crazy marketing stunts."  Frankly, I think most of them are  bad ideas.   Which doesn’t make the concept a bad one — but it does point out that being silly for silly’s sake also speaks volumes about your brand.  So be wacky mindfully.

The Travelocity Gnome…great idea.  It fits their brand.  The lizard with the accent and the funny commercials — Geico has done a great job of making themselves different from all the other insurance guys — much like their AFLAC competitors have done with the duck.

So don’t discount wacky.  But do it for the right reason.  Because it fits your brand.

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Credibility is a delicate thing

November 7, 2006

Credibility is a fragile flower. You need to nurture its growth and then protect it from harsh winds. 

A couple examples.   The post I put up last night had a couple key Iowa political events mixed up.   It was Jim Nussle, the Republican running for Governor who had the rotary conflict and his opponent Chet Culver who aced him by offering to change dates.  Here’s the story.  I owe an apology to the Lamberti folks for mixing up their candidate with Jim Nussle.  I am fixing it now, as soon as I am realizing I mixed facts.

There’s that correction and accurate story.  Still a great marketing message just wrong character’s names.

Images1_1 Now…onto the Lamberti lesson.  Jeff Lamberti is eager to have President Bush appear on his behalf.  It’s been an ugly race…and who doesn’t like having a big name endorsement, right?

Well, an endorsement is a marketing tactic that only works when it sounds credible.  We’re all a little suspect of them — wondering if the endorsement is a paid spokesperson (like Jessica Simpson for Proactiv — paid or happy customer?) or if there’s an angle we are missing.

So, we listen carefully.  And we weigh the strength of the endorsement on the speaker’s sincerity and how familiar he or she appears with the product, service or in this case, candidate.

So when President George Bush calls the candidate by the wrong name (Dave) a couple times, it speaks volumes.  Take a look at the White House’s official website, where Bush’s speech about Lamberti is cataloged.  They STILL have it wrong. 

So….when you have done something that threatens your credibility, what do you do?

  • You correct the mistake honestly and quickly (like this post addressing the Lamberti/Nussle mix up in my earlier post.  Bush should have done so on his website.)

  • You apologize sincerely and as publicly as you made the error  (I have done that here and in an e-mail to the Lamberti staffer who first notified me of the mistake and in his comment on this blog.  Again, Bush should have written a letter to the editor or done something to erase the fact that he’d called Jeff the wrong name.)
  • You don’t dwell on it,, but move forward in your usual credible way. You re-earn people’s trust by being authentic.  (That’s for the audience to dictate, not you.)

People will forgive you the mistake and let you quickly re-earn their credibility by just owning up to it.  Could I have just deleted the post and avoided the embarrassment of the error?  Sure.  What would that have said to any of you who’d already read it?  Or heard about it later? 

I hate this time of year with all the political backstabbing and half-truths.  But there’s always the silver lining — lots of good marketing lessons to be learned!


Pictured is candidate JEFF Lamberti

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Ease into the week — personal brand license plate?

November 5, 2006

I don’t know about you but Sunday nights are time for me to catch up.  On my reading, on my work, on my relationships — all with an eye on Monday morning and knowing that the 180 mph pace is about to resume.

Sundays also seem to be my day for deep thoughts.  I thought it might be fun to ease into the week together with a question that is sort of about branding and marketing but also has a personal element to it as well.  A chance to get to know each other AND talk shop.  Perfect for a Sunday night.

At MMG, we’re all about branding.  We preach it, believe in it and celebrate it for our clients.  But, there’s a whole movement surrounding personal branding too. 
As I walked by my SUV tonight, my license plate caught my eye.  I’ve had the same plate for about 9 or 10 years now and it never fails to strike up a conversation.  But, in a lot of ways, it is the core of my personal brand.  I thought I’d share it with you and ask you this question:

If you could brand yourself with a license plate (let’s say a max of 8 letters) what word or combination of letters would you choose to tell the world what you are all about?

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All I want for Christmas…

October 30, 2006

…is another popcorn tin?

Less than 60 days to the culmination of the holiday gift giving season, whether you celebrate Christmas, Hanukkah, or Kwanzaa.  (Or any combination!)

Most businesses try to acknowledge their best clients over the holidays.  A smart plan.  But it often loses a great deal in the execution.  What do you give your clients?  Popcorn tin?  Fruitcake (eww) or  fruit basket?Images1

I know, how about a paperweight or nut assortment? 

All fine ideas.  (insert yawn here).

Sorry — but could you be any more like everyone else?  Why bother?  Do you have any idea how many of those items stack up at the average business?  What does your gift say about you and your organization?  Here’s what I think those gifts say:

  • We didn’t want to put a lot of thought into this.
  • We wanted to do something easy.
  • All of our clients are getting the same thing, so you’re really not that special after all.
  • We’re generic — nothing special about our gift, nothing special about us.

I know, that’s a little harsh.  But come on…admit it.  When you receive your 4th popcorn tin of the season, are you all giddy inside?  Can you even remember who gave you what?

I have searched the blogosphere to find others having this conversation and guess what.  Most of them say "Be generic. Give the same stuff everyone else does, it’s safe."

Sure is.  And it is completely forgettable too.  Why waste your money?

You have two choices, in my opinion.  If you have a handful of clients, then buy them something that shows you understand what matters to them.  If they love theatre, tickets to a show.  Into their kids — a game night package, complete with popcorn.  Demonstrate that they matter to you by knowing who they are.

If you have a larger number of clients to remember, think about your company’s brand.  What are you all about?  What’s your brand promise?  What gift seems to be fitting with that?  What feels like you?  What gift, when they look at the booty for the season, will stand out and be unmistakably from you and only you?

So…what will you be wrapping up for clients this holiday season?


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Do you sound stupid?

October 28, 2006

Images2 Okay, right off the bat I need to admit I am annoyed.  So if there’s a sharpness to the tone, you know why.  It’s not you.  But out of my annoyance comes a great marketing tip.

I have decided I need (not want) a smart phone.  I’m tired of not having my calendar and contact lists with me at all times.  I’m content to pay for the upgrade, knowing it will make me more productive.

I am an ideal customer.  I am ready to buy.  I have money to spend.

So…with that mindset, I enter the Verizon store.  Before I can buy, I need some help.  You see, like the rest of the world will someday be…I am a Mac guy.  (more on this later) I ask them which smart phone is most compatible with Macs.  Here’s what tech support guy and sales woman both say.

"Oh, you can’t use a Mac with them.  It’s Windows technology."

I say…."are you sure?  Seems to me that with all the Macs out there, someone would have figured that out."

"Yeah, well, when they were designing the phones, Mac didn’t have a computer so they didn’t take that into account." 


To which the other adds, "actually, with Mac declining, Verizon is really not going to be worrying about that platform."


Here’s the marketing tip.  If you are ignorant, for the Love of Pete, admit it.  Clearly both of these professionals are under educated about their product.  And technology in general.  Which is a shame.  But, if you find yourself in that same boat, just admit you don’t know.  Consumers are much more forgiving of ignorance than they are of stupidity.   Be authentic.  Just say you don’t know.

The other downside of sounding stupid as opposed to admitting ignorance is that you are not inclined to go find out.  Admitting you don’t know is often the first step in finding the answer.  Aral Balkan actually proposed an "I don’t know day" which is an interesting concept.

By the way, for the rest of your forward thinking technology users, here’s the information from ZDNet on which smart phone works best with the Mac.

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Not a hand check…a brand check!

October 27, 2006

050409_5303_1929_j__pthm Remember those junior high and high school parties?  When some parent, thinking they’re funny, would shout "hand check!"  Well, think of me as a marketer who thinks he’s funny and I am shouting…

"Brand check!"

Think your brand is rock solid?  Let’s check. For the next week, we’re going to conduct some poor man’s research.  You’ll need a pad of paper and a pen or pencil.

Ask every customer, vendor, consumer of your goods/services, and employee to describe your organization in a single word.  You’ll be amazed at the insights from this little exercise.

Anyone brave enough to share the results on my blog?  Why not share the learning?

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How do your customers shop?

October 26, 2006

Here’s one thing I know for sure about your consumers.  They are either men or women.  (Or kids who will soon evolve into one or the other.)  Especially in a retail setting, they  behave like completely different animals. 5298_040827_14828thm

Paco Underhill, founder of Envirosell, a market research company dedicated to examining consumer shopping behavior wrote a fascinating book, Why We Buy: The Science of Shopping.  In the book, Underhill explores the shopping beasts by gender.


Here are a few observations Underhill made about male shoppers:

~ Men equally rarely ask for the department they want in a store. They’d rather wander around lost and leave if they can’t find it. 

~ If a man tries something on, he’ll buy it 65% of the time.

~ Only 25% of men will grocery shop with a list, as opposed to 70% of women.

If men shop this way – what clues does this give you for dealing with men in your environment?


How about the ladies, you ask?  Well…

~ If a woman tries something on, she’ll buy it 25% of the time. (Remember, men were at 65%)

~  At the supermarket, over 90% of women brought a shopping list.

~  Women particularly hate being jostled from behind and may leave a store without buying if aisles are too narrow.

Wondering what others are saying about it?  Secrets of the Male Shopper is a long but very interesting read about the state of the male shopper.  Check it out.  Smart thinking made even more notable because the author is an 18 year old student.

So, are your shopping habits typical of your gender?  How can you use these insights as you think about your customers?

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